Remove Acne and Surgical Scars with the Icon™ Aesthetic System
Stop letting your scars affect your self-confidence! The Icon Aesthetic System can remove acne and surgical scars with noninvasive laser treatments. Laser scar removal is the best treatment for acne scars as well as surgical scars and can significantly fade their appearance to reveal your own beautiful skin!
How Does Laser Scar Treatment Work?
The Icon uses fractional laser light beams to target scars and heal damaged tissues. The Icon’s laser energy activates the body’s immune system to generate new skin cells that will replace the areas of laser-damaged and scar tissues. Icon laser scar treatments are revolutionary because as new tissues naturally develop, the surrounding skin is not damaged. Laser scar removal is safe for all skin types and areas, including the face.
What to Expect During Icon Laser Scar Removal
Treatment sessions last about 30 minutes, although most scars will require three to five sessions to be completely healed. Laser scar removal treatments have few side effects, which usually include some temporary redness and swelling. Patients may experience some slight discomfort when the laser is applied, anesthetic is not typically needed. Most people are able to resume their normal activities immediately following the procedure.
Contact Dr. Rubinstein’s office today to learn more about laser scar removal!
Before & After Acne & Surgical Scar Removal