IPL Photorejuvenation with the Icon™ Aesthetic System
Feel confident without make-up by eliminating facial redness and brown spots with IPL Photorejuvenation treatments! The Icon Aesthetic System uses gentle intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments to easily eliminate undesirable pigment and facial veins without causing painful side effects.
Before & After IPL Photorejuvenation

How Does Skin Revitalization Work?
Using advanced laser technology, the Icon safely delivers optimized light pulses to target unwanted dark spots and rosacea. The laser energy activates the body’s immune system to naturally heal skin imperfections without harming the surrounding skin. Icon IPL treatments are safe for all skin types. Brown spots and veins on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and legs will be gradually removed to reveal your own beautiful skin.
What to Expect During IPL Laser Dark Spot Removal
Photorejuvenation treatments only take about 30 minutes. Depending on the patient’s skin type, several sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Most people do not find Icon laser treatments uncomfortable. After treatment, a sunburn-like sensation and some minor swelling is normal, but will resolve rapidly. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.
Dr. Rubinstein can help you remove unwanted dark spots and visible veins. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.